after the nuclear apocalypse, the world’s chosen elite survive in secure Outposts created by the mysterious Cooperative. On the American West Coast, Ms. Wilhemina Venable (Sarah Paulson) and Ms. Miriam Mead (Kathy Bates) run Outpost Three with an iron fist. The unexpected arrival of Michael Langdon (Cody Fern), a Cooperative representative determined to save society with a secret paradise, throws their order into chaos. However, underneath the surface of humanity’s salvation lies a battlefield for the final conflict between good and evil.
Product details
Aspect Ratio : 1.78:1
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer : No
Language : English DTS-HD MA 5.1
Package Dimensions : 20 x 14 x 2 cm; 300 Grams
Director : Brad Falchuk, Ryan Murphy
Run time : 7 hours and 10 minutes
Actors : Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Denis O’Hare, Kathy Bates, Jessica Lange
Subtitles: : English
Studio : 20th Century Fox
Country of Origin : United Kingdom
Region : All Region
Item Weight : 300 g
Net Quantity : 1.00 count