In the sequel to DreamWorks Animation’s Oscar®-nominated blockbuster comedy, the Templeton brothers–Tim (James Marsden, X-Men franchise) and his Boss Baby little bro Ted (Alec Baldwin)–have become adults and drifted away from each other. Tim is now a married stay-at-home dad. Ted is a hedge fund CEO. But a new boss baby with a cutting-edge approach and a can-do attitude is about to bring them together again.. and inspire a new family business.
Product details
MPAA rating : PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Package Dimensions : 6.85 x 5.39 x 0.51 inches; 3.52 Ounces
Director : Tom McGrath
Media Format : NTSC, Dolby, Atmos
Language : English, Hindi
Subtitle : English
Run time : 1 hour and 48 minutes
Release date : September 14, 2021
Actors : Alec Baldwin, James Marsden, Amy Sedaris, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow
Producers : Jeff Hermann
Studio : Universal Pictures Home Entertainment
Region : All Region
Writers : Michael McCullers
Country of Origin : USA