Ra.One (Blu-ray) Original price was: ₹799.00.Current price is: ₹590.00.
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Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Blu-ray) UNRATED

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹430.00.

0 days 00 hr 00 min 00 sc

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Peter is a composer and a likable sad sack who’s devastated when his girlfriend of five years, Sarah Marshall, the star of a cheesy CSI-style crime show, dumps him. He weeps, he rails, he mopes. Finally, his step-brother Brian suggests Hawaii, so Peter heads for a resort on Oahu where, as he’s checking in, he sees Sarah and her new beau, Aldous, a polymorphously perverse English rocker. The weeping and moping start again, until Peter is rescued by Rachel, a thoughtful hotel clerk who invites him to a luau and to hang out. Although he constantly runs into Sarah and Aldous, Peter starts to come alive again. Will Sarah realize what she’s lost, and what about Rachel?

Product details
Language: English, Hindi
Region: Region A/1 (Read more about DVD/Blu-ray formats.)
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 – 1.85:1
Number of discs: 2
Rated: A (Adults Only)

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