Freak Show begins its tale in the quiet, sleepy hamlet of Jupiter, Florida. The year is 1952. A troupe of human curiosities has just arrived in town, coinciding with the strange emergence of a dark entity that savagely threatens the lives of townsfolk and freaks alike. This is the story of the performers and their desperate journey of survival amidst the dying world of the American carny experience
Product details
Aspect Ratio : 16:9 – 1.78:1
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer : No
Rated : Suitable for 18 years and over
Language : English
Package Dimensions : 17 x 13.6 x 1.8 cm; 140.61 Grams
Director : Ryan Murphy
Run time : 649 minutes
Release date : 26 Oct. 2015
Actors : Jessica Lange, Michael Chiklis, Angela Bassett, Sarah Paulson, Kathy Bates
Subtitles: : English
Language : English (DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1))
Studio : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Region : All Region