This is the story of a young hero boy on Christmas Eve who boards on a powerful magical train that’s headed to the North Pole and Santa Claus’s home. What unfolds is an adventure which follows a doubting boy, who takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole; during this ride, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery which shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.
Product details
Actors: Tom Hanks, Eddie Deezen, Nona Gaye, Peter Scolari, Brendan King
Directors: Robert Zemeckis
Producers: Gary Goetzman, Steve Starkey, William Teitler
Format: Blu-ray, Dolby
Language: English, Hindi
Subtitles: English
Region: All Regions
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 – 2.40:1
Rated: U (Universal)
Studio: Warner Bros. | Excel Home Videos
Run Time: 96.00 minutes